Looking for the Best Tax Attorneys in Denver?
Look No Further.
Our IRS and Colorado State Tax Lawyers Have the Experience, Skill and Reputation You Want in a Tax Attorney:
We Are Knowledgeable In The Most Current Tax Law and Tax Changes, Tax Audits, Tax Planning and Tax Advice.
A Fair & Honest Attorney!
"Could not have been more pleased on my tax dilemma.
The IRS sent me a back tax notice of $122,000 from my fathers Estate Sale. Within six weeks...it (was) resolved with no money due to the IRS.
He is honest, fair and most of all, I saw no dollar signs in his eyes when
dealing with this tax attorney. "
- Gary
Tax client,
For The Most Experienced, Trusted Tax Advice, Contact Our Denver Tax Attorneys.
Our Tax Attorney Has Extensive Tax Experience, Including Working For The IRS.
We Are An Award-Winning, Nationally-Recognized Law Firm.
We Are Published Authors.
We Teach CLEs To Other Attorneys.
You can never be too careful when it comes to taxes, IRS audits and disputes. If you’re looking for solutions to your tax problems, overwhelmed by tax debt, facing an IRS audit, IRS investigation or have questions addressing related tax matters and tax issues, our tax law attorneys can provide you with the guidance and the representation you need.
Gantenbein Law Firm offers a unique, tough-minded, practical tax and business solutions. Whether you’re an individual, or a business, you need one of the best tax attorneys in Denver; a tax lawyer with an expert reputation, skill, knowledge and experience. You need a tax lawyer who understands your needs in the full context of your facts and circumstances. You need a Colorado tax law firm who is responsive and will get you results. Our tax attorneys, located in Denver, hold leading positions in the tax law community. You need tax law attorneys who are widely-known to be leaders in the industry. You need a tax attorney that has extensive tax experience and knowledge gained from working for the IRS. We are that team.
Our Denver Tax Attorneys are Skilled.
Our Tax Law Attorneys Are Cost-Efficient.
Our Tax Lawyers Are Effective.
Our Clients Love Us, But No One Wants an Attorney Forever. We Know How To Weigh Cost Versus Value So You Can Move On With Your Life.
We Are Results-Driven.
Our tax law attorneys can help solve your tax problems so you can take your life and business back. Our clients get the added peace of mind, knowing when they retain our firm, we talk to the IRS for you – so you don’t have to. We have the experience dealing with the IRS quickly and efficiently to get your life back on track.
When you work with our law firm - located in Denver and serving clients throughout Colorado - you get more than just tax attorney representation, you have our entire team behind you, including our experience in estate planning, probate, asset protection and life care planning. These areas interrelate and overlap - we’re here to ensure you have the help you require and can depend on.
Our firm is well versed with the different alternatives available to you. Your first step is to call and set up an appointment to discuss your issues. We handle Federal and State taxes, tax litigation, IRS audits, general business and corporation law, criminal tax, civil tax, tax negotiations, tax liens and all tax-related issues. One of the top tax attorneys in Colorado, our Denver tax audit lawyer can help.
There are various benefits to hiring our attorneys to represent you. Our tax law attorneys afford you certain rights and privileges that only come with legal representation. You are protected by the Attorney-Client Privilege, any and all communication between you and your attorney is confidential and can not be divulged to anyone, including the IRS.
Make sure you have the experienced, dedicated legal counsel you need in the face of any tax issue. Our ultimate goal is to ensure our clients are confident and secure in all their tax law matters.
Or, for your ease and convenience, you can schedule your consultation online.
Talk to our attorneys and discover the best options for your case.
Our Denver Tax Lawyers Have an Excellent Reputation.
Check Out Our Testimonials: Our Clients Love Us. Because We Work Hard For Our Clients- And It Shows.
Want More Proof? Check Out Our Google Plus Page.
Ask Around. Ask Judges, Other Attorneys, Your Friends: We Are Known To Be Leaders In The Industry.
We Are Consistently Asked To Teach Other Attorneys And Write Legal Publications.
Other law firms may have flashier marketing or bigger staff - but our tax attorneys have a perfect reputation because our lawyers are experienced, knowledgeable and effective.
It is important to consult with an experienced tax attorney you can trust. You want the best tax lawyers for your case.
Our Denver tax lawyers are known as leaders in the tax industry- representing both individual and business clients with their tax needs and controversies, accomplishing the best resolution for the case. Our tax law attorneys are well-versed in an array of complicated tax law issues, and work efficiently and diligently to secure the best possible outcome in a case. They expertly understand both the procedural and substantive tax laws necessary for successful resolution in tax cases.
Our Denver IRS Tax Lawyers Are Knowledgeable.
We Are Smart.
We Teach Legal Classes.
We Write Legal Publications.
We Know The Answers.
The tax lawyers at Gantenbein Law Firm in Denver are experienced lawyers in a wide array of complicated IRS tax matters. This experience is beneficial to our clients who are facing serious tax issues, owe back taxes, need the best tax advice, or simply want to save money via our tax lawyers' expert tax planning for businesses and individuals.
An experienced IRS tax lawyer is the most powerful negotiator who will construct the finest, supporting legal arguments for your tax case. The best tax law attorney will use the court system, law and tax codes to provide the leverage you need in resolving your tax issue and is the only authority experienced in working cases with the IRS.
Being under the IRS collection process is stressful and can be downright dangerous. If given the wrong advice, you can end up in a very costly situation that can ruin your entire financial future.
We have the answers.
If you think your tax issue could reach higher levels, are under any kind of IRS investigation, or you are in need of protected advice, contact our Denver tax lawyers for your best options.
Come see for yourself: set up a consultation of your case. Bring all your tax questions - bring your hardest tax questions! Gantenbein Law Firm's IRS lawyers are among the very best in Denver and we are confident we can answer your Federal, State or Local tax issues on your case.
If you need a tax attorney in Denver, or throughout Colorado, contact our office at 303-618-2122.
Your attorney wants the best for your case, not just what will increase his/her billing in your case;
Your attorney understands complicated tax issues. Come prepared with a list of complicated tax questions. If your tax attorney does not know the answer during your consultation, be open to consulting with other tax attorneys;
Look for a tax attorney with a variety of publications, CLEs, or seminars under his/her belt. You want an attorney that is well-versed in tax law - not an attorney that is well-versed in marketing. The best attorneys are the ones that teach classes to the other local attorneys, or author publications for public knowledge or attorneys;
An ethical and professional attorney will never guarantee a result in your case. You can not predict how judges will rule, or know facts that have not yet been discovered that could affect your case. Be wary of an attorney that boasts he/she will definitely win;
Look for tax lawyers that are leaders in the industry, leaders of the Tax Bar or tax trade groups. This indicates an attorney that has been recognized by their peers as being amongst the best.
Our Denver Tax Attorneys Practice In The Following Areas Of Tax Law:
Business & Employer Tax Issues (941)
IRS Tax Help
IRS Investigations
IRS Audit and Audit Representation
Criminal Investigation and Prosecution
Net Profits Tax Returns
Jeopardy Assessments
Termination Assessments
Offers in Compromise
Due Process Hearing for Collections
US Tax Court
Unfiled Tax Returns
Tax Debt Settlement
IRS Penalties
IRS Letters
Estate Taxes
Payroll Taxes
Trust Fund Taxes
Sales Taxes
Real Estate Taxes

2021 Tax Law Tips Under the American Rescue Act & More.
Former President Trump passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act on March 27, 2020. It has since been amended several times, including via the current American Rescue Act. Below you find information regarding tax deductions, tax credits and delayed tax liabilities under the American Rescue Act, as they currently relate to 2020 and 2021, as well as other tax tips.
Loans for businesses and forbearances for mortgages under the CARES Acts can be found on our Business and Real Estate Law page, and forbearances for Student Loans may be found under our Credit Page.
This information will be updated as it is amended.
Tax Law Tips, Generally:
April 15 Tax Return Deadline extended for 2021 tax returns. The new tax return deadline is May 17th, 2021.
The CARES Act waives the 10% early withdrawal penalty on up to $100,000 of 401k or IRA distributions in 2020.
The CARES Act expanded deductions for charitable contributions for non-itemizers.
We recommend to contest and appeal property taxes for 2021, as the value of properties will likely sharply decline following COVID. Property taxes are assessed every two years in Colorado, on odd numbered years, with a 1-month deadline to appeal (May 1-June 1).
Tax Law Tips for Individuals:
Unemployment checks/income under $10,200 are not taxable, excluding households with an AGI of $150,00.00 or more. Unemployment over $10,200 are considered taxable income.
Student loan forgiveness will not be treated as taxable income. This applies to most student loans, including federal loans and some qualifying private loans. The student loan must have been forgiven between the dates of January 1, 2021 and January 1, 2026 to qualify as non-taxable.
Many individuals will be able to take the maximum deduction for child care. If you worked from home and had to pay a tutor or other child care services while your child was homeschooled, you should be able to maximum this deduction. This credit also applies to individuals who had to pay someone else to care for their child while they looked for work and to individuals who did not have to work remotely. The American Rescue Plan Act offers an enhanced Child and Dependent Care Credit for 2021. The credit applies to any child under the age of 13. The credit is calculated at 35% of your adjusted gross income (AGI) if your income is $15,000. It is then adjusted by increasing income: by every $2,000 over $15,000 AGI, the credit is reduced by 1%, until it is capped at 20%. The maximum credit for 2020 is $1,050.00 for 1 child and $2,100 for more than one child.
The above credit is also available for those individuals who took care of a dependant, under the American Rescue Act.
Tax Law Tips for Businesses:
"3 Martini Lunch" Tax Credit:
Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, a full deduction for business meals is allowed if that business meal includes "food or beverage provided by a restaurant, before January 1, 2023."​ Entertainment is not an allowable deduction, so make sure your food and beverage expenses are separate if entertainment is included.
PPP Loans are not considered taxable income.
However, expenses paid with PPP loans, such as payroll, can not be used as taxable deductions.
EID loans are not considered taxable income.
Expenses paid with EID loans may be used as taxable deductions. This includes expenses such as payroll.
EID loans must be paid back.
Employee Retention Credit:
Available for businesses impacted by COVID 19.
Under the CARES act, it is a refundable tax credit against certain employment taxes equal to 50% of the qualified wages an eligible employer pays to employees.
Extended for the 1st and 2nd calendar quarters under the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020.
New employers who were not in existence for all or part of 2019 are also to claim the credit.​
Paid Sick and Family Leave Credits:
Can take credits for qualifying leaves. Qualifying leaves include:​
COVID 19 immunization​
Any COVID 19-related injury, illness, disability or condition
Expanded family leaves and $12,000 wages per employee credit. Qualifying family leaves includes:
child care related situations​
employees need to care for sick family members
any employee COVID 19 -related leave
Rental property depreciation:
Rental property depreciation for properties entering service before January 2018, held by a business or trade, is now calculated using a 30-year depreciation value.
These sweeping changes in tax law will affect many deductions, credits and delays available to both individuals and businesses. It will be crucial to many people to take as many of these credits and deductions as possible- to maximize every single credit and deduction and lower your tax liability to the absolute lowest extent possible. Americans are suffering from staggering business losses and job losses- and the reduction of taxes and your tax liability is critical. Tax deductions and credits are available through the CARES Act, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, the American Rescue Act and more. These changes are vast and can be confusing, so it is best to consult with an experienced tax attorney in order to maximize all available options.
If you have questions regarding tax planning for 2021 and beyond, contact our Denver tax attorneys immediately. Our tax attorneys are knowledgeable about the tax reform, the CARES Act and its many changes and are ready to assist you and your business with planning for, and complying with, the new tax changes. Our tax attorneys have their L.L.M in Tax law- the highest degree possible in taxation. Gantenbein Law Firm also has its own staff accounting manager- available only for its tax clients. Our staff accounting member has her L.L.M. and worked as the staff accounting manager for many large corporations, including large, national airline and real estate corporations.
Tax Resources For Denver, Colorado & Federal IRS Resources
There are many tax resources that can help explain federal (IRS), state ( Colorado ), and city ( Denver and other metro cities) tax regulations, filing dates and addresses. We have provided those resources, below:
The Denver IRS tax office is located at 1999 Broadway Denver, CO 80202. Other Colorado IRS tax offices are located in Colorado Springs and Grand Junction. More information regarding these tax offices can be found here.
The Colorado State tax office is located in Denver at 1375 Sherman Street, 80203. The state tax office provides tax account registration, tax assistance and general information. Other state tax office locations are in Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Grand Junction and Pueblo. Tax Auditing, tax compliance issues, business seizures and tax delinquency issues also occur at these offices. You can find more information regarding these state tax offices here.
For tax assessment and tax data for Denver properties, visit the City and County of Denver Property Records here.
Business tax information for businesses in Denver city and county can be found on the Denver government website here.
Other general and specific information regarding Colorado state taxes, including taxation on marijuana, liquor and tobacco, and state income tax forms can be found on the Colorado Department of Revenue website.
For federal IRS tax information, be sure to visit the IRS website. The website includes such information as information about your refund, forms and tax assistance, filing dates and more.
The United States tax courts are located in Denver at 1929 Stout Street, 80294. It is a federal trial court that hears matters related to federal IRS tax issues. If you have received a summons for tax court, it is best to contact our Denver, Colorado tax attorneys immediately for assistance. You can more information abut the United States tax courts here.