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Keith Gantenbein
Jun 6, 2016
Tax Tips For Starting Your Own Business
If you’re starting a new business, the tax obligations aren’t something you should try to handle alone. Meeting with a qualified tax and...

Keith Gantenbein
May 25, 2016
Reverse Mortgage Advantages and Risks
A reverse mortgage or home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) was signed into law in 1988 as part of the Housing and Community Development...

Keith Gantenbein
Apr 25, 2016
Life After Death- Tax Surprise For Millions
Millions of Americans have had horrible and challenging years due to the Great Financial Crisis and subsequent meltdown. Many are just...

Keith Gantenbein
Apr 19, 2016
New Student Loan Forgiveness
The Department of Education announced this week they will be sending letters to 387,000 people who have student loans telling them...

Keith Gantenbein
Apr 14, 2016
Life After Foreclosure- The Boomerang Buyers
The past seven years have been horrendous for millions of homeowners who lost their homes. Somewhere between 7 and 8 million homes were...

Keith Gantenbein
Sep 16, 2015
HOA Loses Battle Over Childrens' Play Set Color
We receive calls almost daily from homeowners who are having a dispute with their Homeowners’ Association and need help fighting these...

Keith Gantenbein
Aug 6, 2015
The Awful Truth About Mortgage Fraud
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has declared mortgage fraud as a growing crime threat that is hurting homeowners, businesses...

Keith Gantenbein
Aug 3, 2015
Denver Ranked #1 Out of 200 Cities for Business!
Congratulations Denver, Colorado - you were just named America’s top city for business and careers! Forbes magazine declared Denver as...

Keith Gantenbein
Jul 9, 2015
IRS Audit- Is There Anything Scarier? Should You Hire a Lawyer?
Nothing in the world can stop us in our tracks faster than getting a notice from the IRS with the word “AUDIT” written on it. This may be...

Keith Gantenbein
Jul 2, 2015
Tax Law Legislative Update Given by Denver IRS Lawyer Tyler Murray
Tax law attorney Tyler Murray, of Gantenbein Law Firm in Denver, presented The Annual 2015 Tax Law Legislative Update at the...

Keith Gantenbein
Jun 20, 2015
Foreclosure Activity Rises, Despite Housing Gains
The housing market crash was disastrous, housing recovery is taking longer than it should, and now foreclosure activity is at a 19-month...

Keith Gantenbein
Jun 17, 2015
Wells Fargo, Chase, HSBC Hammered with Restrictions from OCC
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) just smashed Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC and four other banks with huge...

Keith Gantenbein
Jun 12, 2015
Colorado Sets 1-Day Tax Holiday on Marijuana
There is an ambiguous provision in the Colorado state constitution’s Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights that is forcing a one-day tax holiday on...

Keith Gantenbein
Jun 8, 2015
Collision Course Set to Hit Homeowners
There’s a collision course coming that will affect millions of homeowners creating hardships as massive as the housing market crash that...

Keith Gantenbein
Jun 3, 2015
Denver Tax Lawyer Tyler Murray Featured Author for Annual Tax Law Updates
Gantenbein Law Firm Senior Associate Attorney, Tyler Murray LL.M., has been selected by the Colorado Bar Association as the featured...
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