Colorado Foreclosure Defense Attorneys
Looking to Stop Your Foreclosure in Colorado?
Our Attorneys Can Help.
Our Denver , Colorado Foreclosure Defense Lawyers Assist with Rule 120 Hearings, Loan Modifications, Litigation, Deficiencies, Evictions & more.
How Can I Avoid Foreclosure in Colorado?
When you are facing foreclosure, there are many options and alternatives to consider and are available to you. Whether you’re behind in payments, been served with foreclosure papers or had your house wrongfully sold, there are defenses we can pursue on your behalf. We know how to defend your rights every step of the way. We will fight to save your home.
Lender foreclosures and HoA foreclosures aren’t hopeless, at Gantenbein Law Firm, we have multiple legal strategies to help you avoid foreclosure. We offer foreclosure help in Colorado. We can help with loan modifications, even if you’ve been denied a loan mod. We can negotiate a loan mod appeal or loan modification request or help with a second loan modification. We have the experience and knowledge negotiating a sale, a short sale, refinancing, bankruptcy, reduction in interest rate, reduction in principal owed, arrears eliminated or placed at the end of a loan or negotiate a reduction in your monthly payment. We will do everything to save your home.
We’re experienced with the complex issues of Colorado foreclosure, including:
Colorado Rule 120 Foreclosure Hearings
Judicial Foreclosures in Colorado
Colorado Public Trustee Foreclosure
HOA Foreclosures
Loan Modifications for Colorado Homes
Bank Settlements
Bank Litigation
Post-Foreclosure Evictions
Short Sales
Post-Foreclosure Deficiency
Cash for Keys Settlements
We know how to overcome obstacles efficiently and economically to resolve the legal issues others consider unsolvable.
A Miracle After 4 Years!
"After waiting 4 years for a loan mod worth accepting, we decided to hire Keith to help us settle this once and for all. We applied for a loan mod for the LAST time (with no expectations). We were approved within 2 weeks, and got the terms were asking for and then some (2% fixed for 21-years--not starting over at 30 years, 22K principle reduction, and a monthly amount we could afford)! New laws are finally in place that require banks to work with homeowners. We felt assured this was a good offer after having Keith and his associates review it thoroughly. We cannot thank you enough for helping us save our home! Infinite Blessings to Everyone! :) xoxox "
-Foreclosure client
Can't afford an attorney? You can't afford not to. Call us, we offer low cost options or point you in the right direction. Call the Gantenbein Law Firm at 303-618-2122.
Gantenbein Law Firm is the only law firm in Colorado that has an in-house loan modification and loss mitigation negotiators, that work in assistance with our foreclosure attorneys, for the duration of your case. For more information, visit our loan modification negotiators webpage.
For a list of Colorado resources for foreclosure, visit our FORECLOSURE HELP IN COLORADO webpage.
Our Colorado foreclosure defense attorneys have compiled comprehensive information on the foreclosure process in Colorado. For more information on the foreclosure system, including both the public trustee system and the judicial foreclosure system, visit HERE.
Mr. Gantenbein has worked extensively to help modify Colorado foreclosure law to help level the playing field between borrower and bank. Previously, Colorado foreclosure law was written by banks and bank attorneys and was extremely favorable to banks and lenders. Mr. Gantenbein recognized this inequality and worked countless hours, pro bono, to draft new Colorado legislation, sponsored by Represetaitve Beth McCann and Senator Ulibarri. This legislation, designed to protect Colorado homeowners, was passed into Colorado law.
What Are My Options When I Am In Foreclosure?
As soon as you stop making your mortgage payment, or are thinking about stopping that payment, call a Foreclosure Defense attorney immediately.
When you are facing foreclosure, we have many options and alternatives to consider and are available to you such as loan modifications, reinstatements, repayment plans, forbearance agreements, assumptions, short cures, short sales and deed-in-lieu.
If you have already been foreclosed upon, or if you are facing an eviction, we have defenses we can pursue on your behalf to also help at this post-foreclosure stage. We know how to overcome obstacles efficiently with strategies that include Cash for Keys, post-foreclosure litigation, judicial set-asides, rescissions and negotiating post- foreclosure loan modifications.
Contact us if you have a Colorado Housing and Urban Develepment, or "HUD", counselor. We often work with local HUD counselors to save your home from foreclosure.
Loan Modifications in Colorado
Rule 120 Response
Rule 120 Hearing
Foreclosure Deficiencies
Foreclosure Auction Bids
Bank Litigation
FDCPA Claims
Improper Foreclosures
Judicial Foreclosures
HOA Foreclosures
Public Trustee Foreclosures
and more.
There are circumstances in life that we have no control over. A job loss or cutback, an expensive, emergency medical issue or a death in the family are just a few things that can quickly place you in foreclosure.
The thought of losing your home is stressful and can be overwhelming. We can help you avoid, stop, or fight a foreclosure to give you time while seeking all options available to you.
We, at Gantenbein Law Firm have represented countless homeowners facing the specter of foreclosure and have helped thousands upon thousands of families stay in their homes by facing the lenders with our legal expertise and employing multiple legal strategies. Too frequently, individuals are pushed into a bankruptcy when other options are available, we help our clients take the path with the least disruption to their lives.
There are many alternatives to foreclosure. Lender foreclosures and HOA foreclosures are not hopeless. We offer foreclosure help in Colorado. Our attorneys have the proven experience and skill to negotiate loans and loan modifications, even if you’ve been denied before. Our expertise includes negotiating a sale, a short sale, refinancing, bankruptcy, reduction in interest rate, reduction in principal owed, having arrears eliminated or placed at the end of a loan, or negotiate a reduction in your monthly mortgage payment. We will use every legal aspect accessible to save your home.
Whether you are in a pre-foreclosure situation where you’ve missed a couple of payments, facing an auction sale date, or your home has been sold at auction and you’re facing eviction, we can provide essential advice, alternatives or give you the help you need.
If you are facing foreclosure, don’t wait, let us help. We have effective legal strategies and the best foreclosure means to assess your finances and terms of your home loan.
Connect With Us
CONTACT our foreclosure defense attorneys- located in Denver and serving all of Colorado- to schedule a consultation of your case. We will get back to you immediately.
Our premier Colorado foreclosure defense attorneys are experienced and knowledgable- having been involved in more than 70,000 foreclosure cases. For foreclosure help in Colorado, call our offices at 303-618-2122.
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