Looking for the Best HOA Defense Attorneys in Colorado?
Look No Further.
Serving Clients throughout Colorado
Our Denver, Colorado HOA Attorneys Have The Most Experience Fighting HOAs.
We Fight For The Homeowners ONLY.
Gantenbein Law Firm has many defenses we frequently raise with success against the HOA. Our team has consistently shown these Boards time and time again, just how wrong they are.
Many homeowners believe they have no practical recourse against an HOA Board and see the board as a totally controlling entity,leaving no voice or input to individual homeowners. Undeniably, there are more HOA Boards that hold that same belief – they feel they are the absolute rule.
In Colorado, the Homeowners Association often has the majority of the power when it comes to disputes. However, that power can be circumvented or limited by a skilled attorney.
It is very important that you develop a wise and strong strategy for dealing with HOA disputes. Many firms race towards aggressive litigation as a thinly-concealed effort to drive up attorney fees and costs. However, this often places the homeowner at risk for liability. Additionally, the HOA is comprised of your neighbors and an hasty or aggressive approach may subject you to negative treatment from your neighbors and community.
Many disputes can be resolved without expensive litigation. Gantenbein Law firm takes a smarter and more strategic approach towards HOA disputes.
HOA disputes can be broken up into four categories:
1. The HOA Is Attacking The Homeowner. This can be for unpaid assessments, judicial foreclosures and covenant violations. Each type of action is handled differently, depending on the matter and whether or not the HOA has complied with CCIOA and its own governing documents and policies.
There has been a shift in Colorado law providing more protections to Homeowners. It is important to speak to an attorney to determine if the HOA has meet its obligations prior to initiating a lawsuit and exposing yourself to counterclaims and personal liability.
2. Board Member And Governance Disputes. Often, these disputes revolve around the actions of board members in either:
a) their failure to act in a reasonable manner, or
b) acting in a way that is specifically targeting individuals or group of homeowners.
Due to the unique nature and culture of an HOA, it is important to develop a strategy to dealing with a rouge board or an individual, unfit board member. Our firm can review your situation and provide you with the best path to resolving and handling this issue that is based both on law and common sense.
Often times, a board member can be removed without the aid or expense of a court proceeding through a special election or other method pursuant to your declarations. Additionally, you can seek the aid of the court in removing board members if necessary.
3. Documentation Disputes And Requests. CCIOA requires that HOAs retain certain information and provide it at the request of owners within a set time frame. Our firm can aid you in obtaining the necessary documents to resolve or investigate any potential problems.
4. Selective Enforcement or Lack of Enforcement of HOA Covenants: HOAs have the duty to enforce the covenants in a fair and equitable manner that does not single out one homeowner over another. Sometimes, an HOA effectively singles out a specific homeowner and targets them with fines and violations while allowing other owners in the community to commit the same violations without reprimand. There have been recent changes to Colorado law that protects homeowners from this selective enforcement.
Additionally, the covenants and declarations spell out specific duties with regards to the maintenance and care of the property within the HOA. If the HOA is failing to uphold these requirements, the homeowner is allowed to demand compliance and seek legal remedies if the HOA fails to do so. Do not withhold your monthly dues or assessments as a way combat this issue!
It is highly advisable that you continue to make your assessment payments and contact a Colorado HOA attorney, such as Gantenbein Law Firm, to address your HOA violations.

For the Best Options for Your HOA Issue, Contact Our Experienced Denver, Colorado HOA Attorneys.
Gantenbein Law Firm has the most experienced attorneys in HOA Defense law.
Keith Gantenbein started his legal career working for Hindman Sanchez, the largest law firm in Colorado at the time that focused solely on providing legal advice, collections and foreclosures for the HOA Boards. Mr. Gantenbein routinely handled 1,400 HOA cases at a time while in employment.
Now, armed with an experience and knowledge that is unparalleled in HOA Defense in Colorado, Mr. Gantenbein fights Homeowner Associations in Colorado.
A trailblazer for consumer and homeowner rights in Colorado, Mr. Gantenbein has been featured in national news outlets and as the front page cover story on the Denver Post, recognized for his efforts in protecting homeowners.
Mr. Gantenbein recognized the enormous gap in legal services provided solely for the protection of homeowners and dedicates his practice to the protection of homeowners, consumers and businesses.
While other law firms exclaim they fight for homeowners, an inspection of their website and legal services declare they also represent the HOA Boards themselves, or proudly boast how quickly they can "kick out" home residents.
Gantenbein Law Firm is different. We dedicate ourselves to the homeowners. We represent the homeowners ONLY. Gantenbein Law Firm has NEVER represented an HOA and we NEVER will. While armed with the personal experience and knowledge of HOA boards and HOA laws, Gantenbein Law Firm dedicates its legal knowledge and experience to helping homeowners.
Gantenbein Law Firm is a leader in the industry and we are here to fight for you.
Colorado Homeowner Association Law
Are You Having Issues With Your Colorado Homeowners' Association? We Can Help.
Colorado has over 15,000 Homeowner Associations (HOA) with nearly one million people under what is called “common interest developments” jurisdiction. Is it no wonder there are tens of thousands of unfair assessments, mistakes and disputes?
Are you having issues with your Colorado Homeowners’ Association? If so, are you considering whether you should hire an HOA defense Attorney? And lastly, ARE there any HOA defense attorneys in Colorado who can help?
Gantenbein Law Firm is an experienced HOA Defense team. We handle an extensive variety of HOA disputes and we provide exceptional legal representation for homeowners in the legal complexities involving Colorado HOAs.
Many homeowners often have covenant enforcement and special assessment issues with their HOA. Often these enforcements are unequitable, unreasonable, and, may be unconstitutional. Homeowners may be fined. These fines can easily escalate without the assistance of an HOA defense attorney.
Gantenbein Law Firm provides legal assistance with all HOA issues. Some of these issues include:
Removing an HOA Board Director or Member
Homeowner Enforcement of HOA Rules
Disputes Involving Covenant Enforcement or Violations
Disputes Involving HOA Declarations
HOA Foreclosures
Disputes With Unpaid HOA Dues or Assessments
Special Assessements
Issues Involving CCIOA
Issues With Rental Properties
Unreasonable HOA Fees
and more.
Are There HOA Defenses in Colorado?
What Can You Do If Your HOA Initiates A Judicial Foreclosure Over Unpaid Dues Or Assessments?
Your Homeowners' Assocation may elect to foreclose on your home for unpaid assessments or dues.
In Colorado, an HOA may foreclose on your home via their statutory lien rights. HOAs in Colorado have a 'superlien', meaning they have a lien that is in first position, over any and all other lien holders, for 6 months' worth of assessments, in the event that a foreclosure is initiated on the property. Otherwise, HOAs have a second lien postion for unpaid assessments by statute.
HOAs must elect to foreclose via the judicial foreclosure process. Once a foreclosure is started, this can add a substantial amount of attorney fees and costs.
An HOA defense law firm, such as Gantenbein Law Firm, can help resolve or stop your foreclosure. For more information on our foreclosure defense services, please visit our FORECLOSURE DEFENSE webpage.
Should You Hire An Colorado HOA Defense Attorney?
If you disagree, or are having dispute with a decision made by your HOA Board about your neighborhood, or if that Board is limiting your rights, or limiting something you want to do with your property, you do have rights.
Our law firm has a very unique perspective when defending and helping homeowners go up against HOAs. Mr. Gantenbein began his legal career working for Hindman Sanchez, the largest law firm in Colorado at that time that focused on providing legal advice, collections and foreclosures for the HOA Boards. Mr. Gantenbein routinely handled 1,400 HOA cases at one time while in that employment.
The experience Mr. Gantenbein gained from this employment representing HOAs is what led him to his determination to help homeowners by starting his own law firm to fight against HOAs. He recognized the enormous gap in legal services provided to homeowners and dedicates his practice to the protection of homeowners, consumers and businesses. Gantenbein Law Firm has never represented an HOA - we are committed to helping the homeowner.
Armed with an experience and knowledge that is unparalleled in Colorado HOA Defense, Mr. Gantenbein has the ability and know-how to take on the most complicated HOA disputes.
Unfortunately, there are Homeowner Associations that have ‘gone rogue’ and created nightmares for homeowners by resorting to a myriad of tactics. HOAs often have an army of lawyers at their disposal. The homeowner is not equipped to fight these legal battles alone.
We, at Gantenbein Law Firm understand HOA disputes are unique and can have a direct negative impact on a client’s home and the entire community. We help our clients achieve the ultimate goal of resolving the dispute and we strive to represent our clients in the most cost-effective manner possible.
We want our clients to avoid having to go through lengthy legal proceedings. We possess the skills and expertise necessary to represent a client with high-quality and effective legal strategies.
A trailblazer for consumer and homeowner rights in Colorado, Mr. Gantenbein has been featured in national news outlets and as the front-page cover story on the Denver Post, recognized for his efforts in protecting homeowners.
Gantenbein Law Firm is the clear leader in the industry and here to fight for you.
Call us at 303-618-2122 to schedule an initial, confidential consultation to discuss how we can help resolve your HOA dispute.
Gantenbein Law Firm's HOA and real estate attorneys are dedicated to homeowner rights in Colorado.
To discuss the best options for your case, contact our HOA Defense attorneys, located in Denver, Colorado. at 303-618-2122
and schedule your consult.
Gantenbein Law Firm is the BEST law firm!
"I worked with 2 of the attorneys in the firm for my legal issues, and both attorneys were responsive and cost-conscious of my needs.
I got the outcome I was looking for in my case, and at a very good price.
Honestly, I wish more attorneys were like this firm...If you are looking for 'handshake' attorneys that don't 'nickel and dime' you, then this is the firm to go to."
-Cindy G
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