Senior Associate Attorney Matthew Coombs, of Gantenbein Law Firm, taught foreclosure issues for Denver communities on behalf on the Sam Cary Bar Association. The Sam Cary Bar Association is a member of the National Bar Associaton.
"The SCBA is a proud member of the National Bar Association. At present, the NBA is the nation's oldest and largest national association of predominately African-American lawyers and judges. It has 84 affiliate chapters throughout the United States and affiliations in Canada, the United Kingdom, Africa and the Caribbean. It represents a professional network of over 20,000 lawyers, judges, educators and law students."
Mr. Coombs spoke about about a wide array of foreclosure issues facing Coloradoans today, and provided insight to the Denver communities that attended about their options when facing foreclosure- keeping alive Gantenbein Law Firm's mission to provide pro-bono education and access to information on foreclosure, housing and real estate issues in Colorado.
If you are facing foreclosure, in foreclosure, need a loan modification, or have other real estate, tax, business or estate planning issues, contact Gantenbein Law Firm at 303-618-2122 or visit our website at www.gantenbeinlaw.com.
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