Nothing chills our veins like a letter from the IRS. Especially when you open the letter and find you’re under an IRS Audit or under an IRS Investigation. After you get over the shock - think twice before you even think of calling them.
What you say to the IRS and what documents you provide can and most likely will be held against you. Most people think if they cooperate with the IRS, answer all their questions and give the IRS everything they ask, they’ll be treated better. IRS agents are trained to asked specific questions to get what they want - as much information and money as possible. That is their job - and anything you tell them will be used against you. The IRS will ask you about investments, bank accounts, where you work to use in an effort to seize your assets.
The IRS can claim legal ownership of your properties such as your home, your car, land and even your bank accounts. Once a lien is placed on your property, you cannot sell or refinance that property until your debt to the IRS is satisfied. The IRS can contact your employer and garnish your wages. They can garnish to a point where you don’t have enough left for your living expenses.
Unfortunately, the IRS assumes you are guilty and won’t believe excuses you may give them. These agents have heard every excuse in the book thousands of times. The best thing you can do is to be silent and let a professional and experienced tax attorney represent you and your tax audit to the IRS. The IRS generally prefers to work with qualified professionals. It saves time since the IRS doesn’t have to interrogate or go through mounds of irrelevant material. In fact, your case may actually be expedited rather than dragging it out. Your experienced and qualified tax attorney can offer many alternatives to ensure you have the best resolution to your tax matter.
Almost everyone will go through hard times at some point in their lives, including emergencies beyond our control such as fire, medical and weather issues that can deplete our savings and create a tax issue. Every day, the penalties and interest on what you owe the IRS increase at an alarming rate. Our tax attorneys have a wide assortment of options and solutions that can benefit your specific tax issue.
Gantenbein Law Firm's Denver, Colorado tax lawyers have extensive knowledge of the IRS, their codes, policies and procedures and know how to argue these rules. They hold Master’s Degrees (LL.M.) in taxation making them some of the best and most qualified tax attorneys in the state. They have the experience dealing with the IRS (and Colorado state tax) resulting in getting clients tax relief.
To schedule a consult with a tax lawyer and discuss the best options for your case, call 303-618-2122.
Gantenbein Law Firm also practices Business Law, Real Estate Law, Probate Law, Elder Law, Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning, HOA Law, Foreclosure Defense and Credit Repair / Dispute. Their lawyers are located in Denver and serve clients throughout all of Colorado. For more information, visit www.gantenbeinlaw.com.
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